A superb combination of corrosion resistance, temperature stability and non-conductivity

Alumina ceramic hex head bolts are one of the most thermally resistant bolts available. Due to their outstanding thermal resiustance, alumina ceramic bolts are geared for the most demanding high temperature applications. Alumina ceramic bolts also have outstanding corrosion resistance and are highly chemically resistant to acids, solvents, and salts. Additionally, alumina ceramic hex head bolts find many uses in high voltage applications due to their non-conductive electrical properties.

Alumina ceramic hex head bolts are available in both metric and standard sizes. Please contact us if you have any questions about the properties or availability of our ceramic fasteners.

Hex head bolts made from customer specified ceramic grades or custom dimensions are available upon request.

Fastener Types Available: Hex Bolts


Ceramic Alumina Hex Head Bolt Features and Benefits

It is important to differentiate between a alumina hex head bolt and hex head cap screw. Often people assume they are the same, but they are actually very different fasteners in terms of how they are manufactured, as well as from an application perspective. Regardless of your choice, alumina hex heads offer strong, stable joints because of their large head service. 

The Hex Comparison

Hex Head Bolts

Hex Head Cap Screw
  • Hex bolts have a flat end and lack the washer face under the head.
  • Appropriate for when mechanical properties are more important than dimensional tolerances.
  • Features flat washer facing under the bolt head.
  • Also called a finished hex bolt. 
  • Has tighter tolerances on the body dimensions. 
  • Best used for precise applications where tight tolerances on the body dimensions are required.


Common Ceramic Grades

Alumina 99.8%

Alumina ceramic or Aluminum oxide (Al203) is the most common grade of alumina ceramics and is designated as being 99.8% pure. Alumina is most known for high temperature stability and has a usable temperature limit of 3000°F (1650°C). Alumin has the greatest balance of economy, mechanical and thermal properties.

Various other compositions of alumina ceramic are available upon request.

Alumina and Zirconia Properties

Ceramic Properties

Corrosion Resistance of Common Ceramics

Ceramic Corrosion Data


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