Tag Archives: Hydrochloric acid resistance

Q: I’m using HCl in a pickling process and have used Hastelloy C276 bolts to protect my equipment but am still having corrosion issues. Any ideas? A: In pickling processes ferric chloride is created which is a strong oxidizer and most pickling process are at elevated temperatures – Hastelloy C276 … Continue reading

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Q: I’m running a municipal solid waste incinerator and am having trouble corrosion from a combination of hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid that is derived from chloride and sulfur containing compounds in the waste fuel stream. I was using Duplex steel bolts for the chloride corrosion but they aren’t holding up … Continue reading

Posted in Application, Corrosion Resistance, FAQs, Material, Specialty Metal Fasteners | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Oilfields are subjected to a diversity of corrosive elements including carbonic acids, sour gas (H2S), and fracking/stimulant acids such as hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid. Naphthenic acids and simple organic acids are also found in crude oil extraction. In conjunction to acids, these environments contain sand and other abrasive elements which … Continue reading

Posted in Application, Blog, Corrosion Resistance, High Strength, High Temperature Resistance, Specialty Metal Fasteners | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Q: I’m building some lab equipment what will be housing hydrochloric acid. I need a non-metal fastener that is corrosion resistant . Can you make a recommendation? A: In terms of a material that is not metallic and can handle hydrochloric acid, I would suggest either PTFE or PVDF. PTFE … Continue reading

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